Channel: The5starfilmers
Category: Gaming
Tags: bigrobloxdr philroblox funeralroblox dr philroblox pregnantbig brother robloxbig brotherfuneralepisode 2snatchedbrotherpregnant
Description: Thank you guys so much for watching! This series is replicating the popular show and game "Big Brother" although, I won't really follow the conventional rules, for example, random "extra guests" may or may not pop up during random episodes, but I hope that will add more EXCITEMENT into the video. Also, this is not scripted, they are add-libing and making things up as they go, so don't think this is "Too fake" or "too real." Its just parodying what is shown on TV. ~Music~ An Upsetting Theme - The Descent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: